Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have to admit that the web site that I spend more time on is HGTV.COM.  That is my get-a-way of getaways.  With all the must do's of the day; following Design Star and who was safe for another episode is great.  I like to see the different challenges and how each person thinks outside the box.  I also can get great decor ideas  from this site.  Whether you are redesigning your kitchen, bath, bedroom or outdoor space HGTV is the site to visit.  You can also watch full episodes of Candice Olson with divine design and David Bromstad with color splash.  David is my favorite because I can be a little color shy.

My next favorite site is  I suggest that if you are a reader like me, but hate to pay for books; this is the site for you.  Let's put a disclaimer in here.  You will not find the top ten bestsellers on this site but you can find some great reads that you may not have considered reading.  Log on to this site and have with it.  Books can be a great way to travel without leaving the comforts of home.  Download at least two books that you can get through before the end of the semester and do not forget to share.

My third, but definitely not least favorite website is  I am not a music buff.  I like music and half the time can not remember who is singing what.  I enjoy this site because I can choose my favorite song and they will play something similar to the artist and song all day long.  I now have fifteen radio stations to listen to depending on my mood.  I listen to contemporary gospel, gospel jazz, smooth jazz, romantic opera, and some reggae.  Reggae is the latest one that I added as an experiment because my new friends say that I have tunnel vision when it comes to my music. 

I hope that I have inspired you to expand your list of sites to visit.  Have fun.

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